
Free Quiz: What's Your Tiny Offer Personality?

Hey there, !

Ever wondered how those rockstar coaches come up with cool little offers? (Here's a little hint: they tap into their zone of genius)

Now...I knowwww it may seem like they just magic up something cool because they're good at it, but reality is we all have this gift.

Enter a little quiz to help you connect with ideas and prompts that fit who you are.

This isn't some fairy-tale personality's real, practical, and useful in the results - since I give you an idea springboard to start thinking of your next cool little offer. ready to find your creative genius zone? Or should I say...your entrepreneurial personality?

Take 2-minutes to find out which one you are. In the results, you'll get a thorough outline of what you could create, what pitfalls to watch out for, and your entrepreneurial strengths.

And let me tell ya...she just might become your new digital bff.

You ready to see which tiny-offer personality you are?

Let's go!

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